All lender financing is not created equally. There can be a huge difference in the type of available programs and guidelines when financing just one extra unit. It may not seem like much but going from a two family to a three can mean as much as an extra 10% down payment. It also has...Read More
There are pros and cons to almost everything in real estate. One segment of investors will tell you that multifamily rental properties are the only way to go. Another camp will tell you that they are more trouble than they are worth and you should be focusing on single family properties. The reality lies somewhere...Read More
There is more than one way to invest in real estate. One of the most intimidating hurdles in the real estate world is taking the leap to multifamily investing. The common thought is that with increased units comes increased risk. The reality is that the opposite is often the case. Sure, multifamily properties can be...Read More
More real estate investors have been asking about the pros versus cons of multi-family real estate investing. Is it far more headache than it’s worth or could it actually be more profitable than trying to convert REOs to rentals? So what are the real pros and cons of multi-family property real estate investing and how...Read More