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passive income goals
Right now, is an ideal time to invest in single family rentals. With rental demand high coupled with near record low interest rates it has created the perfect storm for buy and hold investors. As profitable as a quality rental property may be there are still many investors who only focus on fix and flip...
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All rental properties are not created equally. As attractive as some rental properties are others can be a disaster. Not only will they be a constant headache to deal with but they can also be a detriment to your bottom line. There are many investors who want to build their portfolio and think that any...
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There is a big difference between a good landlord and a great one. In most cases it is the little things you do that make all the difference. By going the extra mile, even when you don’t have to, you will have a happier tenant that respects you and the property. A happier tenant is...
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Every rental property you own should be treated like its own individual business. Like any business you need to know everything that impacts your bottom line. In many cases there are several little things that can eat away at your cash flow if you are not careful. Alone they will not break the bank, or...
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No landlord likes dealing with tenant turnover however, it is a critical part of the job. How you deliver the rental to your tenant often sets the tone for the rest of the lease. If the property is sloppy, or even dirty, your tenants will feel that since you don’t take care of it they...
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There is a lot that goes into finding the right rental property. Many novice investors think they can turn any property in a cash flowing rental property. The reality is that there are a handful of important features that influence just how strong the property will be. It is not enough to make some minor...
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The change of calendar is a great time to assess where you are in your business. Right before the ball dropped you probably made a few resolutions that you swore you would stick with this year.  These are the changes to your lifestyle or your business that you have been meaning to start since the...
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Generally speaking real estate investing success does not happen overnight. There are occasional exceptions to the rule but typically there is a process to the business.  One of the ways to keep your business going is by constantly funding it with capital.  Increased capital opens up the door to new ways of marketing and lead...
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Happy tenants are often the best tenants. As a landlord your tenants are the backbone of the entire rental property operation.  Having a good tenant that pays on time and has little drama makes owning the property feel almost too easy at times.  On the flip side an unhappy tenant will drag their feet sending...
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All lender financing is not created equally. There can be a huge difference in the type of available programs and guidelines when financing just one extra unit.  It may not seem like much but going from a two family to a three can mean as much as an extra 10% down payment.  It also has...
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