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real estate investing
Marketing and lead generation are the engines that drive your business. Without new leads coming in your business will eventually grind to a halt. As a real estate investor you should do something every day to get your phone to ring.  This could be something big like starting a large scale direct mail campaign or...
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The most successful real estate investors recognize the importance of surrounding themselves with a solid team. Not only does a strong team help in reaching your goals but it makes your life that much easier.  Instead of trying to do every task yourself you will be comfortable letting go and focusing on other areas.  Anyone...
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Do you think you have what it takes to become an entrepreneur? For many people being self-employed feels like reaching the top of the mountain. There is the ability to create your own schedule, work from home and you no longer have a boss breathing down their neck.  As great as this scenario may be...
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We live in an instant gratification society. We want to see an immediate return on whatever it is we are doing.  While this may work for some aspects of your life it may not always be best for your real estate business.  There are times as an investor that you need to look at the...
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If you are a fix and flip real estate investor a reliable contractor is essential. Not only will they improve your bottom line on every project but they can create a great working environment.  Unfortunately good contractors don’t just fall on your lap.  It is not uncommon to go through several contractors on your way...
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Are you thinking about investing in real estate? If you are reading this you are off to a great start. However now is when the real work begins.  You can’t just dive right in and make offers on every new property you see.  You need to think about investing in real estate like running a...
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Networking events are a great way to grow your list of contacts. This isn’t exactly breaking news but many investors network for the wrong reasons.  They go simply to talk to someone they know have an appetizer and slip out before the meeting is over.  Those investors that embrace networking and more importantly understand how...
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There is no magic formula that guarantees success in the real estate world. What makes investing in real estate so great is that there are many different ways to go about it.   One day you can be sitting at your desk wondering what to do with your life and the next you can be closing...
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There are a handful of subtle things you should be doing if you are selling your property. Some of these are common sense but all of them can have a tremendous impact on your bottom line. Even in a seller’s market, it is not enough to list your home and wait for the offers to...
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As a real estate investor it is important to protect your business at all times. Regardless if you close one deal a year or one a month you need to treat it like a business.  Not only should you keep an eye on numbers and policies but you should think about your business as an...
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