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real estate investing
One of the things that makes real estate investing so great is that there are different options for different tastes. A situation that you would may personally be staunchly opposed to, someone else may see value in. It doesn’t make either of you right or wrong, it simply boils down to personal evaluation. One of...
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A rental property purchase is not the same as a fix and flip project. With a fix and flip deal, you are focused on generating short term profits whereas a buy and hold rental may be in your portfolio for several years. It is essential that you know everything about your rental market, the property...
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Investing in rental properties can be one of the most difficult things you do in real estate. It can also be one of the most profitable if executed properly. Being a landlord is not exactly rocket science. You find a property, make subtle improvements, get good tenants and collect rent checks. Your rent checks should...
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Having a quality rental property is not enough to attract tenants. In hot markets good rentals may be a dime a dozen. You need to come up with ways to have your property stand out from the crowd. Instead of massive upgrades throughout the property you are better off making subtle, but impactful, changes. Updating...
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There are few things more impactful to your financial health than a foreclosure. Aside from a bankruptcy, a property foreclosure is one of the worst things that can negatively affect your credit. Not only does it hurt your credit in the short term, but it has a lasting impact that could take years to recover....
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There is nothing quite like spending time with friends and family at a vacation rental property. In fact, there is a chance that some of you are reading this right now sipping coffee overlooking your favorite morning spot. As much as you may relish your time spent there it doesn’t necessarily mean you should make...
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It has often been said that the best real estate investors are surrounded by the best team. There are a handful of critical team members that directly impact your success, arguably none more important than your real estate agent. Think of all the roles that your real estate agent plays. Not only do they help...
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Getting approved for a loan is much different than it was a decade ago. In the past there were multiple options and programs for every different income type and down payment. Today there is much more documentation required and everything is much more scrutinized. A seemingly innocent document requested at the 11th hour could cause...
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Business is all about generating income. You can have tons of busy work and potential deals, but unless you turn those into revenue it doesn’t make a difference. In the world of real estate being efficient with your time is a must. If you blow it on tasks that don’t move the needle you will...
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The best way to build your pipeline is to increase the number of leads you generate. If you have been in real estate for some time you have probably heard that investing is a numbers game. The more leads you generate the more chances you have of turning a lead into a deal. Real estate...
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