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real estate investing
Where are the best places for today’s location independent real estate investors, agents and CEOs to work at? Remote working is pushing through tipping point to becoming the way the majority individuals will work and run organizations. Perhaps there will be a revival and new trend in returning to factories and corralling individuals into physical...
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Have an idea for a real estate niche? How do you test it and secure your success before you start? Having a niche is important for all real estate businesses, entrepreneurs, agents, and investors. Even real estate giants that appear to market to everyone actually have their own niches, or started with one. Zillow’s niche...
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Need more ideas for real estate content? Original content continues to be crucial to success in the real estate industry. Creating great content, fresh content, and doing it consistently on a daily basis can also be one of the biggest challenges for many Realtors, real estate investors, and businesses. So where do all the great...
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How much should real estate pros be investing in their marketing? Many real estate investors, agents, and businesses may be limiting their potential, and dampening their conversion rates by failing to invest enough in their marketing. So how much should individual professionals and property companies be spending in this area? How do you pinpoint the...
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Want to grow your real estate business, investment performance, wealth, and deal volume this year? Check out these six must-dos… With the exception of organic equity appreciation gains in real estate don’t just happen by themselves. If real estate investors, agents, and CEOs just keep doing the same thing as last year, it’s likely they’ll just...
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Open houses still rock for selling real estate. Here’s how to make the most out of yours… While many real estate professionals have slacked on open houses in the last few years, they can still be one of the most powerful tools for marketing and selling homes, and generating high volumes of real estate leads....
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There is a lot that goes into flipping a property. Not only do you have to acquire it at a price that works for you but also, you need to put the right amount of work into it.  There are many investors who are disappointed in their results because they fail to see the end...
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Make these decisions for your real estate brand today… Whether just starting out in real estate, or already completing 100+ transactions a year, your brand is your most valuable asset. It is your brand which will make or break further deals, dictate conversion rates – and RO – as well as the total potential and...
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If you want to ace the home loan process it pays to be prepared. While some sources report that it has become easier to obtain a mortgage loan, it is still far from as easy as it was 10 years ago. With the current rush to secure loans before interest rates go higher, lenders get...
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More real estate investors have been asking about the pros versus cons of multi-family real estate investing. Is it far more headache than it’s worth or could it actually be more profitable than trying to convert REOs to rentals? So what are the real pros and cons of multi-family property real estate investing and how...
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