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real estate investing
Trying to convert everyone you know and meet into becoming a lead for your new real estate investing endeavors is smart but you do you really want to push them so hard they begin hiding from you, stop answering their phone and pretend they aren’t home when you come knocking?
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Is flipping real estate really as easy as some real estate investing ‘gurus; make out or should you be genuinely concerned about the risks?
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Is getting into real estate with your significant other a smart move or a sure fire way to sabotage both your finances and relationship? Many couples come together as a real estate agent or real estate investing team. Some become incredibly successful, dominating power couples; others find it completely destroys their relationships and careers for...
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Flipping houses may be more popular than ever at the moment but is rehabbing properties or at least making home improvements really still profitable?
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The debate over how well U.S. real estate is rebounding continues to rage in the news but all the numbers show a bright outlook and great opportunities for real estate investing right now…
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Flipping real estate has only become more popular in the last couple of years between inspiring reality TV shows like ‘Flip This House’ and the massive discounts available o foreclosure properties. Many have made millions from flipping real estate, the question is, will is still work next year as the housing market rebounds?
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Investing in real estate can be incredibly profitable but it can also be frustrating for real estate investors who rush in to wing it without getting the right real estate education and not knowing where the pitfalls lay. Watch out for these 4 common killer mistakes real estate investors make…
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Rehabbing properties has become an even hotter trend over the last few years, especially thanks to reality TV shows like 'Flip This House' but is it for you? What are the real pros and cons of rehabbing properties compared to other forms of real estate investment?
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There may never have been a better time to invest in real estate in most of our lifetimes than right now but that doesn’t mean it is without its pitfalls. What obstacles face new real estate investors today?
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Debates rage every week about whether it is a good time to buy a home or not but perhaps this was best settled last week by billionaire Warren Buffett who said the outlook was bright and he would buy a “couple hundred thousand single-family homes”.
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