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real estate investing
Looking for real estate flipping tips so that you can benefit from the amazing opportunities in today’s market too?
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There’s more than one way to cash in on the current market by flipping real estate. Regardless of your area, whether or not you have any cash or credit and how much time you have to devote to flipping real estate there is a strategy that will work perfectly for your situation. Let’s take a...
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Forget about flipping houses this year. With more families opting to pay for a lease rather than a mortgage, the decision to rent out properties is now the most popular real estate investing decision you can make. But before you go and buy all those foreclosures in your neighborhood, there are a few things you...
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If you think selling a house is hard now, just wait until next year. And the year after that. And the year after that. And the … okay, you get the point. According to the latest Goldman Sachs forecast, real estate investing will hit rock bottom in 2013 and won’t recover to pre-crash levels until...
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Wholesaling real estate is a great way to get involved in the property market without truly owning a home. When a wholesaler buys a property, he or she puts the property under a contract, which is then sold to another investor at a higher price. The wholesaler pockets the difference. Wholesale deals are attractive to...
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When buying or selling a home, several important factors determine property value – and it’s not just about a new set of cabinets or renovated tile work. Knowing which factors matter the most can help any investor maximize their purchase or profit further from a sale. Here’s what to pay attention to when assessing or...
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You hear the words “no money down” thrown around quite a bit these days on the real estate market, but is investing in a foreclosure or some other home that doesn’t require any money up front really a good idea? Well, it all depends. If you’re considering investing in a zero-down house, here are some...
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Whether you’re flipping houses or just waiting on the market to improve, there are a few things that every real estate investor should know. You can make your experience painless and profitable as long as you follow these tips.
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Everyone in the business of flipping houses will eventually come across a real estate investment that needs so much work that it might seem easier to sell it “as is” rather than performing the extensive remodeling necessary to get a market price. While you can still find a buyer either way, making the wrong decision...
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The language of real estate can be confusing – especially all the legal jargon, like “escrow” and “liens.” If you’re going to be successful on the real estate market, though, you need to be able to speak this language fluently. Whether you’re an ambitious investor or you're just trying to sell your house, here are...
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