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real estate investing
In the world of real estate, you never know where your next big opportunity will come from. You may invest a certain way for years and then out of the blue be presented with something more appealing, and profitable. It is important to keep an open mind and be willing to at least explore every...
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The real estate investing business is all about consistency. You want to get to the point where you have consistency in team building, networking, lead generation and every aspect of your business. If you consistent in these areas, things have a way of falling in place. Every investor wants the opportunity to do more deals....
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Everybody is on the hunt for the perfect investment. We want minimal risk, high returns and easy management. What we don’t realize is that those are hard to come by. Instead of constantly searching for the perfect investment you should look for something more easily attainable. A rental property is undoubtedly the best long-term investment...
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There are many pieces to a successful real estate transaction. You need a good property, the right price, proper vision and most importantly, financing. Without capital to put your plan in motion, nothing else matters. Fortunately, there are more financing options today than ever before. No longer do you need to solely rely on traditional...
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There are two sides to every debate. For some reason, the world of real estate investing is full of debates. One of the more common debates is whether to hire a dedicated property manager. In a perfect world, every landlord would have someone to run their property. As much as there is a definite benefit,...
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With any business, the goal should be to constantly take incremental steps forward. If you can scratch out even a small profit on every deal you will ultimately be ahead of the game. As a real estate investor, you are faced with a handful of important decisions daily. Without even knowing it at the time...
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The strength of your investing business is in the people you surround yourself with. You can have access to capital and a good plan on putting it to use, but if your team is poor, ultimately you will suffer. The importance of your team is magnified as you are just starting out. You are pulled...
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There are two sides to almost every real estate financial argument. What works for one investor, a fellow investor may have a completely different point of view. In reality, both sides can be right depending on the individual perspective. One of the most often debated real estate topics revolves around what to do with surplus...
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The reality of the real estate investing business is that for every new investor that knocks it out of the park there are five others that struggle getting off the ground. Even though they all start on a level playing field some manage to find deals just a little quicker. The longer you are in...
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It is not enough to rely on the strength of your market to produce a sale. All across the country there are plenty of places where real estate is in high demand. Even though your market may be flooded with buyers, it doesn’t mean your property will fly off the shelf. You still need to...
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