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real estate investing
You never know when you will come across a deal that doesn’t quite fit with what you are looking to do. When these types of deals come your way, it is important that you can still find ways to generate income from them. One of the ways to earn is by wholesaling them to a...
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Unless you have been living under a rock for the last decade you are aware of the impact foreclosures have had on the real estate market. Fortunately, things have improved dramatically since the market collapsed but there are still foreclosure deals available. One of the big misconceptions is that all foreclosure deals are alike. The...
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Every rental property you own should be treated like its own individual business. Like any business you need to know everything that impacts your bottom line. In many cases there are several little things that can eat away at your cash flow if you are not careful. Alone they will not break the bank, or...
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People like to work with people they are comfortable with. Someone may offer a better price but if they aren’t comfortable with the individual or company they will most likely pass. As a real estate investor, your reputation is one of the most important assets you have. If a real estate agent, contractor or attorney...
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One of the worst things for any business is wasted time. In the world of real estate wasting too much time on one deal can directly cause you to miss out on a future opportunity. Every homeowner you talk to has some idea of what they want to do prior to talking with you. Those...
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There is a lot that goes into finding the right rental property. Many novice investors think they can turn any property in a cash flowing rental property. The reality is that there are a handful of important features that influence just how strong the property will be. It is not enough to make some minor...
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Every new investor wants to dive into the business as quickly as possible. They watch their favorite investing show on TV and think things will be just as easy.  Without knowing what steps to take you will run yourself into circles and not get very far.  Regardless of what type of investing you want to...
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If you are considering getting involved in real estate you need to have a plan. Your plan doesn’t need to be elaborate or even overly formal but you should have some sense of where you want your business to go.  Where most investors get in trouble is thinking they know the business simply by watching...
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In today’s day and age of advanced technology there are dozens of effective ways to successfully promote your business. While social media is currently the most popular it is far from the only option.  The increase in technology has made it easier than ever to spread your message and get your businesses name out.  With...
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Not every rehab and flip deal you get involved in will be successful. With poor planning and unrealistic numbers you can and sometimes will lose money.  As much as investors don’t want to hear this they need to recognize the possibility.  All it takes is a few small mistakes to turn a profitable looking property...
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