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rental portfolio
As a rental property owner finding good tenants is a necessary evil. The screening process itself can be long and grueling but it will impact your business for the next several months.  Good tenants are the key to any good rental property.  It is important that you spend the time to know exactly who you...
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One of the most stressful periods for any landlord is the end of the lease. For a month or so, there is a balance between finding new tenants while seamlessly moving the existing ones out. What you do in during this time can greatly impact the next several months and beyond. The best landlords have...
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If you invest in real estate long enough what you will find is that there are many differing opinions on what works and what doesn’t. If you ask ten investors if a condo is a good investment half of them will say absolutely not while the other half would be open to the idea. Like...
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The real estate investing business is growing by leaps and bounds. Last year alone investment home sales jumped by over 7%. Many of these purchases were made by new investors buying rental properties.  While rental properties can be a tremendous addition to your portfolio they also have their own set of problems. Even though anyone...
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There are problems with almost every rental property. Most of these in minor in nature but they have to be dealt with nonetheless. How you handle these problems when they arise will go a long in determining your bottom line. Like other areas of your investing business it is always better to be proactive than...
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No landlord ever thinks their tenant is going to default. Eventually at some point in every residential, commercial or industrial lease this is often the case. When it happens how you handle it can make all the difference. An eviction can engulf your business, and your life, for months on end.  Not only it is...
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A good rental property can completely change your portfolio. While most investors are only focused on the next deal a quality rental property can supply long term wealth. Five, ten and even twenty years may seem like a lifetime from now but often comes much quicker than we think. With a strong rental portfolio to...
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At times managing a rental property can act as a full time job. Even if you have great tenants property issues always pop up from time to time. Most of these are minor in nature but nevertheless still needed to be treated with a sense of urgency.  How well you take care of these will...
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The real estate investing business isn’t easy. There are times in most every investor’s career when you will question what you are doing.  There may even be times when you feel that you have had enough and will never master the business.  You are not alone.  Like any other business investing in real estate is...
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It is easy getting caught up in the everyday hustle and bustle of your real estate business. Unexpected tasks always seem to pop up at the worst possible times.  Before you know it you spend all day trying to accomplish one single item.  This is a way of life for many investors.  Instead of focusing...
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