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rental property tenants
No landlord likes dealing with tenant turnover however, it is a critical part of the job. How you deliver the rental to your tenant often sets the tone for the rest of the lease. If the property is sloppy, or even dirty, your tenants will feel that since you don’t take care of it they...
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No two real estate investors are the same. Even if you invest in the same market and look at the same properties you and a fellow investor may differ on how to run your business. One area that is often debated is whether to work with a property manager. Most real estate investors recognize the...
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There is a lot that goes into finding the right rental property. Many novice investors think they can turn any property in a cash flowing rental property. The reality is that there are a handful of important features that influence just how strong the property will be. It is not enough to make some minor...
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Wouldn’t it be nice if your rental property ran a little smoother? The goal of any landlord is to manage their property with as few headaches as possible.  As most successful landlords will tell you there is always something you can do that will make your life easier.  From asking for tenant feedback to updating...
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Successful rental properties are all about finding the right tenants. Once you find tenants that truly enjoy your property you can expect the lease to go as smooth as possible.  To find the right tenant your rental needs to stand out from the crowd.  There is plenty of rental demand in most markets.  It is...
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A buy and hold rental portfolio is one of the building blocks of long term real estate investing success. Regardless if you have one single family property or a pool of apartment buildings it is critical that you understand the numbers.  Omitting or miscalculating a few expenses can quickly cause a profitable looking property to...
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All investment properties are not the same. You can’t buy any property in any location and expect rent checks to start rolling in.  Like any other aspect of real estate it takes a number of items to be successful.  Without all of these items in order your ideal rental property can end up being a...
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Screening potential tenants is the most important thing you can do as a landlord. Every problem during a lease can be traced back to your screening process.  If you are lax on your screening you will let many more bad tenants slip through the cracks.  Tenant screening is not like opening up an investigation.  In...
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Happy tenants are often the best tenants. As a landlord your tenants are the backbone of the entire rental property operation.  Having a good tenant that pays on time and has little drama makes owning the property feel almost too easy at times.  On the flip side an unhappy tenant will drag their feet sending...
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Not all leases go as smoothly as you anticipate. Every now and then you will come across a tenant who causes damage to your property.  The actions you take as soon as you find out can determine just how the rest of the process plays out.  It should go without saying that you should have...
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