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rental property
One of the most tedious and time-consuming aspects of real estate investing is due diligence. It is not a stretch for a good investor to look at dozens of properties without getting an offer accepted. In fact, they may not even make an offer if the property and numbers don’t make sense. After a while...
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You don’t need to invest full time to be a success in real estate. There are many investors who have kept their full-time job while balancing a budding investing career. This can be difficult initially, but over time it becomes part of your regular routine. The best way to ease the transition is by planning...
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Owning a rental property is more than simply finding a tenant and waiting for the rent on the first of the month. While anyone can passively manage a rental, there are a few important actions you need to take if you want to maximize your bottom line. Like anything else in real estate, it is...
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There is a fine line between success and failure in any business. Just one false step can set your business on the wrong course and completely change everything. Fortunately, in the world of real estate you control the direction of your business and the decisions you make. By aligning yourself with good people and constantly...
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Regardless if you close a deal a month or a handful a year it is important to have a specific investing niche. Many investors think that being a jack of all trades and investing in numerous different areas of the business is a hidden key to a strong portfolio. While this is true over time...
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A quality rental property can completely transform your portfolio. The idea of having tenants provide you with monthly cash flow while reducing your loan balance is a very appealing thought. However, not every property makes a good rental. It is important to always do your due diligence on every prospective rental purchase you make. There...
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All rental properties are not created equally. As attractive as some rental properties are others can be a disaster. Not only will they be a constant headache to deal with but they can also be a detriment to your bottom line. There are many investors who want to build their portfolio and think that any...
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One of the most difficult business dilemmas is whether to pay for a task you know you can do. Even though you can save some money by doing it yourself it is important to ask what you are giving up to do so. This is a popular question with rental property owners. Rental property management...
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There is a big difference between a good landlord and a great one. In most cases it is the little things you do that make all the difference. By going the extra mile, even when you don’t have to, you will have a happier tenant that respects you and the property. A happier tenant is...
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Every rental property you own should be treated like its own individual business. Like any business you need to know everything that impacts your bottom line. In many cases there are several little things that can eat away at your cash flow if you are not careful. Alone they will not break the bank, or...
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