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renting properties
Most new investors realize the benefits of rental property ownership. Just one well performing rental property can completely transform your portfolio.  There is nothing wrong with quick flips and rehabs but there should be some balance to your business.  A rental property will not only generate monthly cash flow but can offer tax breaks and...
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To run an efficient rental property you need to be a good landlord. There are many rental property owners who do not have the residual cash flow to hire a dedicated property manager.  This puts them in the front lines with all of their tenants.  Instead of treating it as a job you should think...
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Owning a rental property is one of the building blocks for long term wealth. If you run things right you can collect checks and build equity for as long as you own the property.  As great as this scenario may be you also need to take time and consider the alternative.  Regardless of your experience...
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A student housing rental can be one of the best additions to your portfolio you will ever make. It is not uncommon for a rental property located near a College or University to demand rents 10 to 30 percent higher than similar properties on the other side of town.  While student housing can demand higher...
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Owning a rental property and collecting rent checks is one of the best aspects of real estate investing. As great as being a landlord is it is far from easy.  There is a lot that goes into owning a rental property.  Between finding a good property, good tenants and putting a good team in place...
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As a rental property owner finding good tenants is a necessary evil. The screening process itself can be long and grueling but it will impact your business for the next several months.  Good tenants are the key to any good rental property.  It is important that you spend the time to know exactly who you...
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Becoming a successful real estate investor does not happen overnight. In most cases it takes several years and countless hours of hard work to achieve this goal. Even when you think you have made it you are still facing an uphill battle.  If you are like most investors you are more focused on finding deals...
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If you invest in real estate long enough what you will find is that there are many differing opinions on what works and what doesn’t. If you ask ten investors if a condo is a good investment half of them will say absolutely not while the other half would be open to the idea. Like...
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The real estate investing business is growing by leaps and bounds. Last year alone investment home sales jumped by over 7%. Many of these purchases were made by new investors buying rental properties.  While rental properties can be a tremendous addition to your portfolio they also have their own set of problems. Even though anyone...
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There are problems with almost every rental property. Most of these in minor in nature but they have to be dealt with nonetheless. How you handle these problems when they arise will go a long in determining your bottom line. Like other areas of your investing business it is always better to be proactive than...
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