selling a home – Page 5 – CT Homes LLC
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selling a home
When you're selling a home, the open house is extremely important. An open house gives buyers a chance to see the property and form a great first impression. However, even if you've done everything else right, forgetting a few simple details may cost you – so before you show your house, make sure you've done...
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If you're worried that you might lose your home because you've fallen behind on your mortgage payments, then you need to find a way to stop foreclosure. For some people, this can be as simple as getting home loan modifications – but others may actually need to sell their home in order to stave off...
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Short sales have saved many families from the pain of foreclosure. Of course, short sales aren't just a tool for helping to stop foreclosure. You can use them in other situations when paying a mortgage just isn't feasible any longer. If you feel that you may be in danger of foreclosure, working with your lender...
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Selling a home in the middle of summer can seem like a daunting task. After all, the days are longer, leaving more time for surprise viewings, plus the heat can make the process seem unbearable. However, selling a home during the summer months doesn't have to be awful. Follow these tips for selling a home...
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We've talked extensively about whether or not singles should focus on buying a home, but what about selling a home? Singles who attempt to sell can face many issues, from figuring out how to sell a fairly small home to the challenges of selling a home in an urban area. Here are a few tips...
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As we've mentioned before, holding an open house is an excellent way to bring in potential buyers and show off the property. Particularly in San Diego, an open house can be a great way to sell your home quickly. When you're trying to sell your home, try these tips for a truly unique San Diego...
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Selling a home comes with a lot of costs – particularly if you're planning on selling it without the help of a real estate agent. You'll have to pay for many things out of pocket.
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Pricing your home is tricky and can be the hardest part of selling a home. Setting a price can make the difference between selling a home quickly and having it remain on the market for months. While property value plays a large part in the price you set, there are other factors to consider, including.
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Spring is "home buying season," so if you're selling a home, you need to be ready for an influx of potential buyers. Thousands of families across the country take to the streets each spring in search of their dream home. If you've been thinking about selling a home this spring, here are a few tips...
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Is there a season that's better than the rest for selling a home? Traditional wisdom says that spring is the best time for selling a home – more buyers are on the lookout for a new home so they can move over the summer. However, spring may not be the best time for selling a...
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