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selling your home
Want to have home buyers drooling over your home listings? While the availability of bank owned REOs has been shrinking and their prices rising others selling a home or real estate agents and investors attempting to sell many homes still need to strive to make their properties stand out if they want them to sell...
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Selling a home can become even more challenging today if you have rented it out to tenants. Though before you get tempted to send the local biker gang over to scare them out keep reading for a few more amicable options that won’t land you in jail...
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Is your real estate agent sabotaging your efforts to sell your home? Real estate agents can be incredibly valuable assets for both regular homeowners and real estate investors. In some cases they may even be the best option. However, there are some real estate agents who could be sabotaging your dreams of selling a home...
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Are you missing out on the most important power tool for selling your home fast & for top dollar? Even though the U.S. real estate market is improving by leaps and bounds selling a home can still be quite a challenge.
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With the exception of a number of U.S. housing markets many homeowners are still struggling to find buyers for their homes. However, those selling a home need to be careful about letting their desperation getting the best of them.
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The word across the web is that this summer is set to be a record season for the real estate market and a great time for selling a home. So will it be easier for homeowners to find a buyer in the next couple of months?
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Home staging has been proven to help homes sell faster and for more money and is becoming more important as properties are still tough to sell in many markets. However, hiring a professional home stager or interior designer isn’t always in the budget, especially for those who are already financially strapped.
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Despite many improvements in the housing market home sellers are still falling apart in big numbers due to property values or at least appraisals. What can homeowners do when they find themselves in this situation?
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Need to stop foreclosure on your home? Here are 7 smart and silly strategies to stop foreclosure or get out from under the debt. Which is right for you?
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Contrary to popular misconception your transaction only really starts when you sign a contract, successfully getting to and through a real estate closing can be something else entirely.
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