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No landlord ever thinks their tenant is going to default. Eventually at some point in every residential, commercial or industrial lease this is often the case. When it happens how you handle it can make all the difference. An eviction can engulf your business, and your life, for months on end.  Not only it is...
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Running a successful rental property is all about the tenants. If you can’t find tenants, it wont matter how nice your property is because no one will be able to enjoy it.  One of the most stressful times for a landlord is when any lease starts to approach its end.  Juggling both finding new tenants and...
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Selling a home can become even more challenging today if you have rented it out to tenants. Though before you get tempted to send the local biker gang over to scare them out keep reading for a few more amicable options that won’t land you in jail...
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Buy and hold real estate investing has become incredibly popular recently but your ability to succeed and enjoy a positive income is directly tied to your ability to avoid nightmare tenants.
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